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- dedicated to make it happen

     Payroll Services      


You focus on delivering your services

Paramis takes care of your contract, payroll and invoicing


Trial and Hire reduces risks and costs of hiring key staff

Management and Consulting Services

Paramis provides Management and Consulting services at board level, C-Management level, and executive levels, such as programs and projects

Paramis Start-Up Business shares with you the essence of more than 30 years of business experience and partnering.

Not sure how to start your business?

Paramis provides platform for "trial and found your company", advisory services for business matters and investments

   Start-Up Business   

Payroll Services

   Payroll Services   


 leave the admin with us! 


 trial and hire with us! 



Is your contract hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, shift, special working time agreement? No problem!

Paramis establishes the contract with your client

Paramis sets up your payroll run tailored to your individual needs and in line with the client contract

Are you hiring key staff? You don't have the head count/budget yet for the resources? You want to reduce the risks and the costs for recruiting staff? No problem

Paramis provides you contracts tailormade to your needs with flexible conditions!

  Flexible and... 


Your contract with Paramis ensures that you are compliant with Swiss labor laws and that your paperwork for workpermits and authorizations is handled for you!

Take advantage of Paramis experience in this domain at most competitive rates and conditions!


Paramis has the federal licence for lease of temporary workforce in Switzerland.

For you as a recruiter this eliminates any exposure to so called "false independents" and associated risks!


Professional Services
Keyboard and Mouse

Management and Consulting Services

Paramis caters for your specific requirements



Paramis Professional Network can provide you with capacity and resources for you to handle

- management team transitions,

- initiation of succession processes,

- restructuring or strategic initiatives

Paramis services extend to board level, C-Management level and executive levels.

       Ad Interim Management       

Paramis Professional Network can provide you with capacity and resources for you to handle

- Project management and project management office

- Business process and subject matter expertise

- Technical expertise


Paramis project experience extends to transformation programs, process reengineering and systems and technology deployment at global and local level

           Project specialists            

Start Up Businss
White Structure

 Start Up Business 


Paramis Start Up Businesses provides platforms, knowhow and capital to entrepreneurs, who are launching innovative business models and products on the markets.

Not sure whether you business will take off? Don't waiste time and money in setting up companies. We provide you a tailormade platform to try your business!

Paramis Start Up Businesses provides also a range of opportunities for investors to invest in business models and products, with varying maturity levels and interesting return models

Get in touch with us, we will show you the current opportunities!

tiny houses

POLYLOFT takes the circular economy to the next level developing modular homes, which can be dismantled and rebuilt anytime anywhere with no loss of original materials



Contact Us


Contact Paramis Now

© 2021 Paramis AG - Paramis AG, Habshagstrasse 34, 4153 Rainach (BL) - Switzerland

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